Jimmy Barber - Travel Abroad
Call: 2008
Inn: Lincoln's Inn
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Jimmy is a first-rate clinical negligence barrister and a go-to expert in the field. He is wise beyond his years of call and can quickly identify the key issues in a case.”
Jimmy advises on and settles pleadings in a variety of consumer aviation and travel claims. These include carriage by air disputes involving Regulation (EC) No.261/2004 and the Montreal Convention, such as denied boarding, flight delays, lost baggage and passenger injury claims; personal injury claims involving the Package Tours Regulations; and advising on conflicts of laws and jurisdictional issues.
Recent instructions include:
- Defending claims brought by air passengers for various heads of loss that are not recoverable under the terms of the Montreal Convention, e.g. emotional suffering and distress caused by denied boarding.
- Acting for airlines in defending claims brought under Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004.
- Obtaining the striking out of a Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 claim which had purportedly been assigned by the claimant passenger to a third party under the terms of a deed of assignment.
- Acting for tour operators in claims for breach of contract and misrepresentation relating to package holidays.
- Advising on jurisdiction and applicable law under Brussels I (recast) and Rome II.
- Advising claimants in relation to accidents abroad under the Package Tour Regulations.
- Acting for a claimant who suffered substantial facial injuries after falling through an open hatch on a Turkish schooner.
- Advising a child claimant who suffered burns from a tray of hot drinks which fell on him during a ferry journey.
Directory Quotes
Jimmy is a first-rate clinical negligence barrister and a go-to expert in the field. He is wise beyond his years of call and can quickly identify the key issues in a case.
Qualifications & awards:
- LLB European (Magister), University of Exeter (First Class)
- LLM, University of the Saarland (First Class)
- Bachelor of Civil Law, University of Oxford
- Lord Denning Scholarship & Hardwicke Entrance Award, Lincoln’s Inn
- Undergraduate prizes including the Cavendish Prize, DLA European Law Prize, Markus Zalewski Prize and School of Law Commendation
Professional memberships:
- Personal Injury Bar Association
Jimmy Barber is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please read here.
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