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Leslie Blohm QC and Christopher Jones of the Wills & Trusts team, were instructed by Stephens Scown LLP to represent Lucy Habberfield before the Court of Appeal. Lucy had worked on her parents’ farm, relying on promises over many years, for low wages and long hours. Following a two day hearing, the Court of Appeal rejected her mother’s appeal, and upheld the judgment of Mr Justice Birss who had awarded Lucy £1,170,000.
The case considers the tension between awarding a remedy which fulfils the expectation, and a remedy which compensates the detriment suffered. The Court of Appeal emphasised the wide ambit of the trial judge’s discretion, and the high bar that a would be appellant must meet if a judgment is to be successfully appealed.
View judgment: Habberfield v Habberfield [2019] EWCA Civ 890
If you would like to instruct Leslie or Christopher on a related matter, please contact their clerks: [email protected] or 0117 923 4740.