Alternative Dispute Resolution
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Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a means of resolving your case without going to court. It is a fast and cost-effective alternative to the delay, stress and uncertainty of litigation and court proceedings.
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St John’s Chambers offers alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in many areas of law, from Family & Divorce to Wills & Trusts, Commercial and Real Estate. Our Family ADR team is one of the strongest in the South West.
Mediation is increasingly used as an alternative method of dispute resolution. St John’s Chambers offer highly skilled mediators, in any kind of dispute, to help parties reach an agreeable solution to their problem, however complex or apparently intractable, without the risk and cost of going to trial. Read more here.
For further information please contact: Rob Bocock, Commercial & Chancery Practice Manager on 0117 923 4714 or email [email protected].
Family ADR
Family Mediation, Arbitration and Private FDRs are effective ways of resolving disputes as swiftly, cheaply, privately, and with as little acrimony, as possible. As such opting for private dispute resolution can have a number of distinct advantages compared with going to court. Find out 10 key advantages of ADR here.
Our team enjoy a reputation for their ability, skill and experience to tactfully deal with parties involved in difficult disputes. We have accredited mediators, qualified Arbitrators, and barristers to help find a solution to each of the parties’ needs.
Family Arbitration
Family Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution offered by St John’s Chambers Family & Divorce team. Under the Scheme, parties appoint an Arbitrator to resolve their financial remedies and children disputes. We presently have two members of chambers who are Arbitrators, all are members of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators. Read more here.
Family Mediation
St John’s Chambers has a team of specialist mediators, all of whom have extensive experience in family law. Using their skill and knowledge, this team help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable solution to their case, outside of or adjacent to the traditional Court route. Instructed jointly by both parties, our mediators act as an independent third party to help identify and understand the issues of the case, then advise and guide the parties to try and reach a mutually agreeable solution. Read more here.
Private FDR
We also offer Private FDR (Financial Dispute Resolution) hearings and a number of our barristers are trained as evaluators. We can arrange Private FDRs in Chambers itself or at a location to suit the parties. FDRs can also be held as an alternative to, or at any stage of, Court proceedings. Read more here.
For further information please contact: Luke Hodgson, Family Practice Manager on 0117 923 4709 or email [email protected]
St John’s Chambers includes members with extensive experience as Arbitrators in domestic and international disputes across our core areas of practice.
Domestic Arbitration
Our team have experience of institutional and ad hoc commercial and technical arbitrations and related applications, challenges and appeals. Read here.
International Arbitration
Members of our International Arbitration team act in cases covering a number of jurisdictions including the Middle East, Europe, Channel Islands and Asia. Read more here.
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