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We are pleased to announce that Darren Lewis and Louise Asprey will be deputy heads of our Personal Injury team.
Darren has over 17 years’ experience in personal injury law, and has developed a specialist defendant practice focusing on fundamental dishonesty, S57 & fraud in employers, public liability and industrial disease litigation. He represents local authorities from Plymouth to Walsall, privatised public services and NHS Trusts across the South West, Wales and West Midlands. Darren acts for large real estate investment portfolios owning retail premises from Reading to Swansea. Read more here.
Darren is ranked in The Legal 500 directory, both in personal injury and in costs. He is described as the “go-to in the South West on costs issues. Down to earth, commanding presence in court.”
Called to the Bar in 2007, Louise joined us from Walnut House Chambers in 2020. A highly regarded member of the Circuit she has many years’ experience representing both claimants and defendants in personal injury and clinical negligence matters. Instructed by both national claimant and defendant firms on fast-track and multi-track trials, Louise also has extensive experience of acting and advising on high-value claims with issues such as complex loss of earnings and pension calculation. Louise is a member of the Treasury Solicitor’s Panel Counsel and is frequently instructed in complex Article 2 inquests including those arising as the result of clinical negligence, road traffic accidents and deaths in custody. Read more here.
Darren and Louise will be speaking at our Personal Injury seminar on 3rd November 2021 – more details to follow.
I am so pleased that Darren and Louise have been appointed deputy heads of our Personal Injury team. They will bring valuable insight and experience to their new roles, helping to ensure the continued growth and development of our department.”
Rachel russell, head of personal injury team