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On 8th August 2020 Derek & Claire Jenkins will be walking 120 Miles from Wembury to Lynmouth to raise money for Headway Somerset. Headway Somerset is a small charity that relies on fundraising to be able to survive. Derek competes (and yes it is competing!) every year in the Dragon Boat Race in Taunton raising money for Headway Somerset but felt in 2020, the charity’s 30th year, that an additional challenge was needed. He will be brushing up on his map reading and compass skills and navigating himself and Claire from South Devon, across Dartmoor and mid Devon, through Exmoor to reach the North Devon coast at Lynmouth….hopefully!
Claire’s story: I am a Trustee and Vice Chair of Headway Somerset. This is a charity that is close to my heart as my cousin and my Dad both had brain injuries following accidents. Sadly my Dad passed away on 11 October 2019. I have always wanted to complete the Two Moors Way walk as I love walking on the Moors and enjoy a challenge! This walk also goes through Witheridge, the village where I grew up and where my parents had their shop, Stoneman TV, so it is particularly poignant for me.
Derek’s story: I have been a supporter of Headway Somerset for many years both personally and through St John’s Chambers. I have beaten Claire many times in the Dragon Boat Race…which we don’t discuss! I am arranging a Charity Golf Day for Headway Somerset’s 30th anniversary but wanted to do something else for this amazing charity. My sister fell off her horse and suffered a brain injury some years ago so I have seen how such an injury can affect someone’s life.
If you would like to donate you can visit Derek & Claire’s Just Giving page here.