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Our Personal Injury team have created a compelling channel for personal injury lawyers which will provide news, insights, and some personality to complex legal cases.
Our podcasts will convey thought leadership throughout our episodes as well as simplify and discuss implications of key cases in personal injury law. We will also aim to save solicitors some time in summarising and explaining developments.
Episode 1: E-Scooters – A wobbly podcast
On this podcast, Rachel Segal and Patrick West of St John’s Chambers discuss the issue of e-scooters from a personal injury viewpoint: the legal background, what challenges e-scooter cases raise for legal practitioners and the government’s future proposals for the use of e-scooters on public roads.
You can also listen to this podcast on Apple, Spotify and Amazon Music.
Coming soon:
- Inquests – A “how to” guide for practitioners”
- A discussion on the applicability of the doctrine of material contribution in clinical negligence claims following the recent cases of Thorley, Davies and Dalchow.
- Fundamental dishonestly and surveillance