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Christopher Sharp QC, who is acknowledged by Chambers UK as one of only five star Silks in Family Law in the country has written an article for the Summer edition of the FLBA’s newsletter, Family Affairs.
The article continues Christopher’s regular reviews of the more important recent financial remedy cases, this one covering the period from March 2017 to June 2017.
Read more: Family Affairs June 2017 | Summer Edition | Financial Remedy update (04.03.17 – 13.06.17)
“Christopher is hugely respected for his experience of representing high net worth clients in major ancillary relief and ToLATA cases. He regularly acts in matters with an international element to them. ‘He’s brilliant on the detail, very clever, very thorough, and he doesn’t give up – he’s a classic QC.“ Chambers UK 2017.
View profile: Christopher Sharp QC
If you would like to instruct Christopher on a related matter please contact his clerks: [email protected] or 0117 923 4730.