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Lauren Karmel was instructed by Irwin Mitchell to represent the family in an inquest into the death of Mr David Hulme whose cancer symptoms were misdiagnosed.
David had a medical history of sarcoidosis which was diagnosed in 2014. In June 2020, David presented to the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust with symptoms of sepsis that had not resolved with antibiotics. He had a right lung abscess and underwent a pneumonectomy in June 2020. The lung was reported as being consistent with the previous diagnosis of sarcoidosis following review by histopathology. Mr Hulme continued to deteriorate and was referred to another Trust for further investigations. In January 2021, a review of the pneumonectomy sample taken in June 2020 was requested as lymphoma was suspected. A diagnosis of lymphoma was shortly made thereafter, and Mr Hulme sadly died on 6th March 2021.
During the inquest, the Coroner made a Prevention of Future Deaths report and requested that consultant staffing levels in the pathology department be reviewed by the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, to ensure timely and accurate diagnoses in regional centres.
This inquest has attracted a wide coverage of media, see below:
Lauren has a particular interest in clinical negligence and inquest work. She is pleased to accept instructions to represent families and interested parties at inquests. Read more here.