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Leslie Blohm QC (leading Tom Gosling of 23 ES Chambers) has been instructed by Glaisyers in the high-profile case of Leeson v Mcpherson where he appeared for the claimants, the Leeson family.
The High Court in Manchester has had to consider the sufficiency of pleadings where a civil claim is based on a serious criminal allegation, namely murder. How much detail of the allegation has to be given, and does it make a difference where the claim is based on inferences rather than direct evidence?
Donald Mcpherson sought to strike out a civil claim that followed on from his acquittal on a count of murdering his wife Paula, in Denmark, on the basis that insufficient detail had been pleaded. The court dismissed this application. It also gave directions on an application brought by the claimants requiring disclosure of evidence from the investigating police force, some of which had been obtained under international letters of request.
For an article on the applications, click here.
To see the newspaper reporting of this hearing, click here.
To see the ruling of Goose J. on the submission of no case to answer in the criminal trial, click here
Leslie has appeared and advised in a number of high-profile inquests and enquiries relating to deaths in the UK and abroad. Read more here.