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Friday the 12th January marked the official opening ceremony of the Bristol Business & Property Courts.
The event saw speeches from;
- The Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales (Rt Hon The Lord Burnett of Maldon)
- The Chancellor of the High Court (Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Vos)
- The Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court (Popplewell J)
- The Supervising Judge of the Business & Property Courts of the Western Circuit (Birss J) with the Presiding Judge of the Western Circuit (May J) in the chair
- Leslie Blohm QC spoke on behalf of the local practitioners.
Other Judges and dignitaries present included;
- HHJ Cotter QC (Designated Civil Judge)
- HHJ Paul Matthews
- HHJ Russen QC
- DJ Cope
- DJ Cronin
- DJ Rowe
- DJ Howell
- DJ Watson
- The Right Honourable Lord Mayor of Bristol – Councillor Lesley Alexander
- Anthony Brown Esq High Sheriff of Bristol.
A copy of the Lord Chief Justice’s speech can be found by clicking here.
The opening ceremony was followed by a reception held at the University of Law.