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St John’s Chambers would like to congratulate Chelsea Bartlett, Nicole Hilton and Sarah Riley in successfully completing their specialist pupillages, and welcome them as full tenants.
This news further demonstrates our commitment to growth, through recruiting the highest calibre members to Chambers.
Chelsea is a specialist family law practitioner with a broad practice across all areas of family law. Chelsea has recently appeared on the St John’s Family Law Podcast channel to discuss domestic abuse as conduct in financial remedy matters. Find out more here.
Nicole is a barrister and trained mediator with a broad practice encompassing many areas of commercial and chancery law. She accepts instructions in landlord and tenant disputes, contractual issues, consumer rights, property matters, building and construction disputes, professional negligence claims, and contentious probate. Find out more here.
Sarah is a barrister specialising in personal injury and clinical negligence. She has experience in road traffic accidents, public liability cases and Highways claims, and employers’ liability cases. Find out more here.
Please get in touch with our clerks for further information or call 0117 923 4700.