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Natasha Dzameh has recently published an article on Inheritance Act claims in the Family Law Journal [2022] Fam Law 384. Her article provides a summary of useful cases from 2021 regarding claims for reasonable financial provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants Act) 1975. This is particularly helpful for those dealing with claims by adult children, minor children, cases involving a CFA success fee or contracts to leave property by will.
Further detail about her article ‘claims for reasonable financial provision – a round-up’ can be found here.
Natasha’s practice is split between commercial and chancery with her chancery work being particularly focused on proprietary estoppel, trusts of land, wills and estate administration. She is frequently instructed on complicated, high value matters and regularly attends mediations. Further details of her wills & trusts practice can be found here. Natasha is described in Chambers UK as someone who “gives a very thorough review of issues and detailed written advice, thus clients feel very confident with her approach.” “She is so enthusiastic and determined to put in the hard yards. Solicitors love her and she fights her corner really hard.”
If you would like to instruct Natasha, please contact her clerks on: c[email protected] or 0117 923 4740