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Natasha Dzameh, a barrister and mediator in our Wills and Trusts team, will be speaking at the STEP West of England’s Need to Know Conference on 22 February 2023 at Sandy Park in Exeter.
Natasha is consistently ranked as a leading junior in Chambers UK and Legal 500 and is often instructed as sole counsel in high value, multifaceted litigation. She has been published in the Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal several times and has been successful in trials on complex matters in the Chancery Division.
Natasha has experience of a wide range of wills and trusts disputes including: 1975 Act claims, allegations of professional negligence, breach of trust and knowing receipt, construction and rectification of trust deeds and wills, estate administration, proprietary estoppel, removal of personal representatives, undue influence, unjust enrichment, trusts of land and will validity challenges. She was also junior to Leslie Blohm KC, now His Honour Judge Blohm KC, in relation to the estate of a millionaire who died intestate in the Ukraine. This was a forfeiture matter which received national press coverage and involved allegations of unlawful killing.
At the STEP conference Natasha will consider the problems which arise for personal representatives when dealing with real property with particular emphasis on ascertaining the scope of the deceased’s beneficial interest. This will also include warnings regarding conduct and neutrality.
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Further details of Natasha’s wills and trusts practice can be found here.
Natasha is described in Chambers & Partners as someone who “has real technical brilliance. She is skilled at working through tricky cases and finding the best legal route to enable the client to achieve the desired outcome.” “A great go-to counsel for complex matters – very responsive and approachable.” “She is excellent with the clients and able to put them at ease.”
If you would like to instruct Natasha, please contact her clerks on: c[email protected] or 0117 923 4740