Our Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence teams are delighted to announce that Nathan Tavares KC has joined Chambers as a door tenant.

Nathan appears in significant, high-value catastrophic injury cases in which damages often exceed £1 million. He is well equipped to handle litigation involving multiple claimants and difficult liability and quantum issues. He acts for both claimant and defendant clients.  He has particular expertise in: traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, aviation accidents, equestrian accidents, and industrial disease claims.

Nathan is also a specialist in the field of clinical negligence and has particular expertise in cases involving psychiatric negligence, birth injuries and negligent neurosurgery.

Nathan has sat as a judge of the Mental Health Tribunal since 2004. He also sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Personal Injury Law to which he is a regular contributor. He is also a contributory author to the legal chapters in Brain Injury Claims, a new practitioner text published by Sweet & Maxwell.

We are delighted to welcome Nathan to our Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence teams. With his stellar reputation for excellence in the fields of serious injury and clinical negligence law, Nathan is a brilliant addition to chambers and a real boost for our ability to service the most complex claims in the South-West and Wales.”

Andrew McLaughlin, Head of Personal Injury

To find out more about Nathan, please click here.