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Vivien Croly instructed by Ian Walker Family Law & Mediation represented the respondent husband in a two-day final hearing for financial remedy in the case of JD v RMD [2023] EWFC 125.
Where the vast majority of reported decisions are in big-money cases, it is crucial for the interested public to be able to see the other side. This is one such case, where debts exceeded the assets, where costs exceeded the assets, where the impact of the legal aid statutory charge had the potential to consume any remaining assets, where the parties had been involved in long running litigation, entering into the final hearing with polarised open offers, and where there were two children, aged 9 and 7 who needed a suitable home with each parent.
The matter was heard by DDJ David Hodson OBE KC on 13 and 14 July 2023, with his reserved written judgment being given on 14 July 2023.
Read the judgment here.