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Family law barrister, Sarah Phillimore is presenting a talk on ‘gender determination – the Tavistock decision and its implications’ at the 8th family Law & children’s rights conference: World congress 2021 through the eyes of a child, to be held virtually from 12-16 July 2021.
For the first time, this event is jointly organised by the World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights and LAWASIA, The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific. Mdm Halimah Yacob, the President of Singapore, will be the Patron of this event.
The conference is a major international event focusing on family law and family law processes and the rights of children and youth. It is a platform for the convergence of lawyers, judges, academics, government, non-government associations, psychologists, medical professionals and social scientists with a common interest in the active protection of children and in sharing best practices to promote the rights of children and family law issues.
For more information, please see here.