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Earlier this autumn St John’s Chambers clinical negligence team hosted a dinner at the Bristol Harbour Hotel raising awareness and funds for, Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA). The charity, which promotes better patient safety and justice for those who have been affected by a medical accident, was celebrating its 35th anniversary.
The evening, sponsored by Renvilles and Arag and including an after dinner speech from Matthew Hill, Health Correspondent West for BBC News, was a triumph. AvMA have said “We are hugely grateful to you and everyone at St Johns Chambers for hosting such a brilliant event and making it such a huge success”.
Funds raised from the dinner will make a real difference to the charity and help them to continue their vital work. Jane Smythson, Marketing and Communications Manager for AvMA adds “I know that our supporters really enjoy regional events which give the opportunity for new people to take part and are a great networking opportunity for everyone. I know that everyone at AvMA is very appreciative of the incredible support we get from you, not only from this event but through everything you do for and with AvMA.”