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Called to the bar in 2002 Caroline Elford joins St John’s Chambers’ family & divorce team from Queen Square, Bristol.
Caroline is a specialist family practitioner who practises in all areas of family law with a strong emphasis on care proceedings and a special interest in matters of family finance. Her practice in this area has given her a detailed knowledge of the appropriate procedural law and she is known for her effectiveness as an advocate and a lawyer in technical applications. She also takes instructions in respect of Court of Protection matters.
Judi Evans, Head of Family & Divorce said: “We are delighted to welcome Caroline to St John’s Chambers. Caroline adds further strength and depth to our Family Team and will ensure we can continue to offer our clients fantastic cover at all levels – she is well known and highly experienced, and has proved herself to be popular with instructing solicitors and lay clients alike.”
View profile: Caroline Elford
If you would like to discuss instructing Caroline, please contact her clerks: [email protected] or 0117 923 4720.