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St John’s Chambers is pleased to announce Olivia Pike, formerly of 30 Park Place, Cardiff, will be joining the St John’s Family Practice Group from 10th September, and is already accepting instructions.
Olivia is a specialist family law barrister with a focus on all aspects of children law. She arrives with an established practice and accepts instructions in public and private law cases. She represents local authorities, parents, extended family members, interveners and children (separately or by their Guardians). Her expertise includes cases involving allegations of sexual abuse, non-accidental injury, domestic abuse, emotional abuse, chronic neglect and drug and alcohol abuse.
Olivia also undertakes all aspects of education law, advising and representing local authorities, schools, parents and students at the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW), First-Tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability – SENDIST) and County Court.
In suitable cases, Olivia accepts instructions to act directly from members of the public.
Olivia said:
“I am delighted to be joining St John’s Chambers, which has an excellent reputation. I am looking forward to expanding my practice into the South West, as well as continuing to work in Wales.”
Judi Evans, Head of the Family Practice Group said:
“We warmly welcome Olivia to our Family Practice Group. She is a well-known and respected family law practitioner, and adds further strength in depth to our busy team of 28 barristers, as well as enhancing our capacity to meet the demands of our family law clients.”
View profile: Olivia Pike
If you would like to instruct Olivia on any related matter, please contact her clerks: [email protected]