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We are delighted to welcome Nick Marston as an associate member to Chambers. Nick is a qualified Arbitrator with the CIArb and IFLA, and has recently retired as a Judge. Nick joins our new Arbitration team alongside Zoë Saunders who is also a CIArb and IFLA qualified Arbitrator, in financial matters.
To celebrate his arrival and to launch our new Arbitration service, we would like to invite you to a drinks reception at St John’s Chambers on Thursday, 28th April at 5.00pm. Book here.
Nick will provide a short talk on the evening about the advantages of arbitration. This talk will also be available to watch via Zoom if you are unable to attend the face-to-face event. Book here.
Nick hopes arbitration, with the parties having a much greater input into the timing of a case and its procedures, will solve disputes more quickly, with lower costs and less damage to both the parties and the children concerned than is the situation with a court case.
Nick is highly experienced as a judge and has always been popular with clients due to his wisdom and sensitivity. We are privileged to welcome him as part of the team.”
susan hunter, head of CHAMBERS