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Rhodri Jones and David Forster successfully completed their specialist pupillages within St John’s Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence teams, and were accepted as full tenants in October 2019.
Rhodri is now building on his experience to develop a broad practice acting for both claimants and defendants in small claim and fast-track cases. He is experienced in drafting statements of case, and providing sound advice on all aspects of personal injury and clinical negligence.
Rhodri practised as a medical doctor for 18 years, in a range of areas including Accident & Emergency and general practice. His wealth of knowledge enables him to quickly grasp the relevant issues in all aspects of medical law.
“We are delighted to welcome Rhodri to Chambers. He brings excellent medical knowledge to his clinical negligence and personal injury practice and shows skills in his written work and court advocacy beyond his year of call. Rhodri is a great addition to our team.” Vanessa McKinlay, Head of Clinical Negligence (Pupil Supervisor).
David has a busy and growing practice which involves both court work and paperwork for both claimants and defendants.
During his pupillage David was exposed to most (if not all) areas of personal injury practice, including highways law, employer’s liability, occupier’s liability, travel claims, defective premises, contributory negligence in road traffic accidents, and inquests. He has developed a particular interest in highways law having worked closely with his supervisor Matthew White in the case of Barlow v Wigan Council [2019] EWHC 1546 (QB).
“I was pleased to recommend David to members of Chambers for tenancy. During his time with me he demonstrated, from day one, the ability of a quality barrister to get to the point at the heart of the matter and deal with it. His calm and confident presence is likely to instil trust in clients, and I think that their trust is well placed: I expect David always to be well prepared and to put his client’s case as well as it can be put..” Matthew White, Pupil Supervisor
If you would like to instruct Rhodri or David, please contact their clerks: [email protected] or call 0117 923 4730.