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The Civil Justice Council (CJC) working group’s, (led by Lord Justice Birss) final report and recommendations have been published. Darren Lewis, Deputy Head of the Personal Injury team provides a useful summary of the Civil Justice Council’s Cost Review.
The review contains recommendations only at this stage. but it provides a strong signpost of the direction of travel in civil costs.
Darren is recognised as a leading junior in costs law in the South West & Wales. Read more here.
Darren is a trusted name in costs matters on the Western circuit. Solicitors have the same confidence in entrusting him with work as one would a Barrister from a specialist London set. His knowledge is current and broad, his advocacy is sharp and effective, and his advice is to the point.”
LEGAL 500 2023, COSTS
If you would like to instruct Darren on any related matter, please contact his clerks.