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On 19th September at Brewin Dolphin’s offices at Smithfield in London, and with video-linked audiences around the country at cities including Bristol, the PAG’s Guide to the Treatment of Pensions on Divorce was launched.
This detailed guide is the result of two and a half years research and debate among a multi-disciplinary team, of which Christopher Sharp QC was one member, and which was supported by the Family Justice Council, the Nuffield Foundation and the universities of Cardiff, Cambridge and Manchester.
The report is to be found here.
The Group was chaired by Francis J and HHJ Hess and received the active support of the President of the Family Division and is recommended by Sir Andrew McFarlane as:
“this definitive guidance on the approach to the issue of pensions in Financial Remedy cases before the Family Court” which, he added “de-mystifies this area and establishes clear ground rules for the proper approach to be taken in every case.”
The guide is commended to all those practising in financial remedy cases, and brings guidance to family judges, lawyers and pension experts encouraging fairer settlements and helping to manage liability.