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Third six pupil, Sophie Howard will be judging the student moot and taking part in the Lecturers vs. Barristers Moot at Cardiff University on Saturday 12th March to raise funds for The National Community Law Project CIC. Lecturers from Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd Law School will take on Cardiff University graduates in a ‘Lecturers vs Barristers Moot’ as part of the fundraiser organised by Cardiff University Law Society and Cardiff and South East Wales JLD.
The moot will take place on Saturday 12th March.
It’s free to attend and there will be a chance to network with practitioners and attend the semi-final and final of the student mooting competition on the same day.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
11.30: Lecturers vs Barristers Moot (room 0.22)
12.30: Lunchtime networking and fundraising (Senior Common Room and room 1.29)
1.45: Semi-final (rooms 0.22 and 2.27)
2.45: Refreshments (Senior Common Room)
3.00: Final (room 0.22)
4.00: Prizes (room 0.22)
More information on the moot can be found here on the Cardiff University Law Society website.
More information on the National Community Law Project can be found here.