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Natasha Dzameh, a member of our wills & trusts team, has recently written an article in the May edition of the Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal. She reviews the case of Ilott v Mitson [2017] UKSC 17 and its impact upon claims by adult children under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (“the 1975 Act”).
Ilott was heard by 7 Justices of The Supreme Court. Judgment was given on 15 March 2017, almost 10 years after the first instance decision. This case concerns a 1975 Act claim by an adult child who had been estranged from her deceased mother for 26 years. The deceased’s will made no provision for said adult child and at first instance the sum of £50,000 was awarded to her. Following this there were two strands of litigation, one focused on the application of the section 3 criteria whilst the other addressed quantum.
Natasha’s article provides an overview of each stage of Ilott and considers the position practitioners find themselves in following this decision.
For the full article please see the link below.
Read more: Value judgment: Ilott v Mitson [2017] | Source: Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal 4, May 2017
View profile: Natasha Dzameh
If you would like to instruct Natasha on a commercial or chancery matter, please contact her clerks: [email protected] or 0117 923 4740.