Daniel is renowned for his meticulous preparation, exceptional interpersonal skills, sharp intellect, energetic optimism, and insightful analytical thinking.
At the outset of mediation, Daniel helps parties identify their objectives and focus on practical solutions. His articulate and persuasive nature allows him to reality test and probe sensitively, while his time spent with each party helps them assess the risks to themselves and the other party in continuing or initiating litigation. These techniques foster confidence in parties to explore potential satisfactory deals. Daniel ensures all parties remain focussed on the core issues and maintains momentum to find a mutually acceptable solution.
Daniel is known for his user-friendly approach, adapting his style to suit the needs of participants and the mediation process. He collaborates effectively with parties and their advisors, demonstrating exceptional skill in creating an environment conducive to resolving disputes.
Daniel was attentive, very bright and seemed to quickly establish a good feel for the personalities and commercial realities involved in the dispute. Both parties exceeded their ‘red lines’ to reach a pragmatic settlement avoiding costly and fractious litigation.”
Daniel’s experience of will validity challenges, claims pursuant to the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 and administration disputes makes him well placed to understand the particular challenges faced by claimants and defendants to such claims, enabling him to help parties consider the realistic outcomes of litigation and how those outcomes might align with their own personal goals. Daniel is sensitive to the reality that parties may have limited means with which to pursue expensive litigation and that estates can sometimes be swallowed up by legal costs. Accordingly, mediation is key to enable disputes to be settled at an early stage, preserving as much of the estate as possible.
Daniel has handled countless property disputes, whether in relation to boundaries, rights of way, restrictive covenants, co-ownership or proprietary estoppel. He is conscious of the damaging and costly impact of such disputes, whether that be in terms of finances, time or relationships (and usually all three). Mediation presents an opportunity to avoid those costs, as well as the uncertainty of litigation, by reaching a settlement which all parties can live with. It also means the parties can avoid the difficulties involved in selling a property which is subject to a dispute. Another advantage is that creative solutions can be identified at mediation which would not be available in litigation. For example, boundaries can be re-drawn, rights of way re-directed, covenants re-defined. Daniel’s energetic and creative approach encourages parties to think outside the box where appropriate.
Commercial disputes often represent a costly distraction to the running of a successful business. Mediation can assist in resolving these disputes in a timely fashion, limiting the extent to which they drain precious resources. Daniel’s pragmatic and numerate approach, combined with his sharp analytical skills, ensures parties remain focussed on the key issues and unlock mutually acceptable solutions.
Directory Quotes
Dan is thorough in his work and adept at thinking outside of the box to find practical solutions to complex issues.
Dan is exceptionally user friendly and he has a knack for providing commercial and practical advice, delivered in an understandable manner. He is technically strong and will find solutions, even in complex circumstances.”
Daniel was attentive, very bright and seemed to quickly establish a good feel for the personalities and commercial realities involved in the dispute. Both parties exceeded their ‘red lines’ to reach a pragmatic settlement avoiding costly and fractious litigation.”
Daniel had an excellent understanding of all of the relevant issues. He listened intently to the defendants. He was approachable and sensitive to the feelings of all concerned.”
Daniel Soar is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please read here.
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