John is a very good barrister. He comes from an accounting background, so he is good on the technical issues in commercial disputes.”

Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution

John is a barrister specialising in commercial, banking, company, insolvency and chancery law. His commercial practice includes local authority procurement claims, breach of contract, restraint of trade, sale of goods, consumer credit and fraud. John has been involved in complex interim remedy applications including freezing orders and search and seizure orders.

Peers describe him as having a very sharp mind, and provides comprehensive, considered and commercial advice. He also provides superb service and is very client-focused.

He covers all aspects of company law including shareholder disputes and applications to restore companies and correct entries to the register at Companies House. John is recognised for his extensive background in accountancy, and is a popular choice by financial clients who instruct him on a range of company matters.

His partnership practice includes disputes concerning partnerships for solicitors, accountants and other professionals as well as general partnerships. John’s financial expertise is particularly valued in this area where he understands the commercial implications of the legal and accounting issues.

John’s banking practice focuses on mortgage enforcement disputes. John has acted for and against the main clearing banks and in disputes and third tier lenders. Sources praise John’s particular skill in cases that involve complex numbers, and he regularly receives instructions in banking matters. He is recognised by clients to be the most astute finance barrister on the Western Circuit.

Directory Quotes

John Dickinson is extremely good on the details; in fact he’s frightfully good on the details.

Chambers UK 2025, Chancery

John is very thorough and able.

Chambers UK 2025, Company

John is a very good barrister. He comes from an accounting background, so he is good on the technical issues in commercial disputes.

Chambers UK 2025, Commercial Dispute Resolution

John is very much my go-to barrister for the majority of my cases. His attention to detail is second to none.

Chambers UK 2025, Professional Negligence

Nothing is too much trouble for John. Clients and judges warm to him.”

Chambers UK 2024, Company

John is excellent, so easy to work with and also so skilled and bright. ‘He provides a fantastic level of service and is technically very strong.’ ‘He is approachable and a safe pair of hands. His advice is meticulous and well structured.’ He is extremely good on details and figures. He picks up every single detail, he is always very clear-headed and manages to make sense of chaos.’”

Chambers UK 2024, Chancery

“John is incredibly thorough and leaves no stone unturned in his advice. He is incredibly well prepared, has a good manner with the client, is approachable and calm under pressure. ‘John is a very safe and reliable pair of hands to have on complex cases. He is very good with clients and a capable advocate.’ ‘John gets to grips with matters quickly and greatly reassures clients with his approach and analysis.’ “

Chambers UK 2024, Commercial Dispute Resolution

John is a fantastic choice for contentious probate and chancery matters. ‘He is extremely thorough and has an excellent manner with clients.’ ‘John is very approachable, clear and unflappable.’ “

Chambers UK 2023, Commercial Dispute Resolution

John gets to the heart of the matter swiftly, and his analysis is crystal-clear. He also has a firm and reassuring manner with clients.”

The Legal 500 2023, Chancery, Probate, and Tax

John’s technical expertise and attention to detail are second to none and this combined with his fantastic client service skills make him my top choice of barrister.’ ‘He is exceptionally good with complex matters.’ “

Chambers UK 2023, Company

John is an absolutely meticulous barrister and gets to the core of the issue immediately. His advice is always crystal clear and I am always impressed by his drafting. John has great attention to detail and provides imaginative solutions to problems. He is also very polished on his feet.”

Chambers UK 2022, Commercial Dispute Resolution

He’s very thorough and very good with finance. From a legal standpoint, he is methodical and thorough. He is extremely good on details; no matter how many boxes or lever arch files you throw at him, he can cut through and give you a summary.”

Chambers UK 2022, Company

A calm and measured advocate. He is excellent on the details and goes the extra mile.”


One of the best barristers I know for client service – he is very reliable and gives very thorough, well thought out opinions. He has a fantastic eye for detail.”

Legal 500 2021, Commercial Litigation

Noted by sources as a fantastic choice for contentious probate and chancery matters. He finds the answers to questions on the most obscure subjects, and the thoroughness and clarity of his analyses are very impressive.’ ‘He is an extremely good communicator with clients and an able advocate who ensures that his constructive and helpful advice is turned around quickly.’ “

  • Qualifications & awards:

    • BA Comb Hons (Exon.) ACA (Qualified as a Chartered Accountant 1991) Dip. Law (Distinction)
  • Professional memberships:

    • Chancery Bar Association
    • Associate member of the Association of Contentious Trust And Probate Specialists (ACTAPS)
    • Western Chancery & Commercial Bar Association
    • Professional Negligence Bar Association
    • Financial Services Lawyers Association
    • Chartered Accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales) ACA
    • Associate Member of the Association of Pension Lawyers
    • Member of the Court of Protection Bar Association
  • John Dickinson is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please read here.