Julian’s advice is always clear and on point, and he gets to the heart of what is important to the case. He is very tenacious in court and has a good manner with professional and lay clients.”
Directory Quotes
Julian’s advice is always clear and on point, and he gets to the heart of what is important to the case. He is very tenacious in court and has a good manner with professional and lay clients.
Julian is able to see an angle to an argument that most others miss. You would struggle to find better junior counsel.
Julian handles the full spectrum of personal injury matters. ‘He is able to get to the heart of the matter. ‘Julian is concise and straight-talking.’ “
Julian is very thorough and particularly good on his feet in court.”
Excellent in technically difficult cases, and has a measured approach that inspires confidence.”
Seminars & Events
- Past EventVenue: Bristol Beacon, Trenchard St, Bristol BS1 5AR
- Past Event
Personal injury conference for defendant practitioners
Venue: The Studio, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham B2 5EP