Oliver is very experienced, cuts through matters to get to the heart of the issues and is very good at building a rapport with clients.”
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Oliver is very experienced, cuts through matters to get to the heart of the issues and is very good at building a rapport with clients.
Oliver Wooding is very capable and dependable.
Oliver is a highly skilled barrister whose skill and expertise is evident on every instruction. In addition to his impressive breadth of knowledge, he is incredibly skilled in interacting with clients.’
Oliver grasps complex issues very quickly. He is technically good and gives sound reliable advice. The way he presents in court is very calm and forthright. ‘He is on top of the details and is able to advise the clients on the weaknesses on the other side’s position. He gives an air of confidence that is impressive.’ “
Oliver is very knowledgeable and experienced. He is able to quickly get to grips with complex information, clients feel understood when represented by him, and he works well under pressure.”
Mr Wooding is incredibly academic and thought-provoking in his review of a case. Any submissions made are incredibly well thought out and thorough. He is also excellent with clients, providing a calm and reassuring hand in highly emotional and difficult matters.’ ‘Oliver excels at both advocacy and advice on complex issues and is very popular with clients.”
He’s a really good advocate and has got a presence that makes clients take him seriously, as well as judges.” “Extremely helpful and approachable, and his advice is clear and thorough.”
Very sound understanding of law and is a good advocate; very friendly, realistic in his advice and good service.”