Peter Wadsley is always great.”

Chambers UK 2025, Planning

Peter has undertaken a large number of major inquiries including (under the pre-2004 Act regime) a large number of Local Plan Inquiries for local authorities and developers all over the South West. These included Minerals and Waste LPIs.

Other inquiries have included a number of retail superstore inquiries in Stroud, West Wiltshire, North Devon and North Somerset: major motorway service area inquiries in Stroud and South Gloucestershire; highway inquiries in the South West including the Barnstaple Western By-pass (Devon CC) and the Gloucester South-West By-pass (Gloucestershire CC) and many major housing enquiries in the South West., including most recently 3 major inquiries where the consideration of viability in the present economic climate was a fundamental issue – primarily in relation to the provision of affordable housing.

Renewable Energy inquiries have included: thirteen Wind Turbine Inquiries: six in North Devon, one in Shoreham, Sussex, one in Stroud, one in Cornwall, two in Dorset and two in Torridge.   Some of the more recent inquiries included an inquiry in the South Hams which resulted in the dismissal of the appeal, the rerun of the Denbrook inquiry and the Bickham Moor/Three Moors inquiries.   There have also been two major inquiries in South Wales, one involving a wind farm and the other a major biomass plant.   Another biomass inquiry in Devon has been recently concluded.   The most recent (2012) were wind farms in Dorset and Torridge.

Minerals inquiries have included a gravel pit inquiry: Test Valley, Hampshire; a Ball-Clay Inquiry (Devon County Council); open cast coal Inquiry (Gloucestershire County Council); sand and gravel inquiry in Norfolk; Mineral Local Plan for Gloucestershire County Council.

Waste Inquiries include three in Norfolk, one in North Somerset and also the North Somerset and Gloucestershire Local Plan Inquiries.

Peter also has considerable experience of prosecuting and defending in regulatory work in planning and environmental work and also in trading standards and related areas.

Directory Quotes

Peter Wadsley is always great.”

Chambers UK 2025, Planning

Peter is a legal legend.”

Chambers UK 2023, Planning

Peter is excellent – he’s outstanding with cross-examination, very skilful on his feet and very easy to get along with.”

Chambers UK 2022, Planning

Peter’s strengths lie not only in his client management skills but also his holistic strategic advice at the outset of the case. He his skilled in the art of cross-examination and has a wealth of knowledge on case law.”

Legal 500 2021, Planning

His advice and opinions are pragmatic, sensible and strike the right note.” ‘Peter’s strengths are his ability to think on his feet and the fact that he is very user-friendly. His advice is provided clearly and succinctly, and he dedicates himself to the job.”


He is very able, courteous and friendly. ‘He is a genuine master of his craft.’”

Chambers UK 2020, Planning

A real thinker on his feet. He is very persuasive when arguing points in court. He continues to be the number one junior on the Western Circuit for planning and environmental work.”

Chambers UK 2019, Planning

He has an encyclopedic knowledge of planning and environmental matters.”

Legal 500 2019, Construction, Planning and Environment

Peter has an aura about him, and is highly respected for his encyclopedic knowledge. ‘Pragmatic, experienced and approachable.’ ‘A good advocate.’ ”

Chambers UK 2018, Planning
  • Qualifications & awards:

    • MA, LLM (Cantab)
    • Post-graduate Certificate in Environmental Law (Bristol University)
  • Professional memberships:

    • Planning and Environmental Bar Association
    • Western Circuit
    • Formerly a practising solicitor and a partner in a commercial and licensing practice in Bristol
  • Peter Wadsley is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please read here.