Peter Wadsley is always great.”

Chambers UK 2025, Planning

Peter has also acted (with John Sharples) in a challenge to an Inspector’s decision on an important Town & Village Green inquiry in South Wales. He has also acted (with Leslie Blohm QC) for Bristol City Council in a challenge to its decision on a TVG on the site of a proposed stadium for Bristol City FC.

Directory Quotes

Peter Wadsley is always great.”

Chambers UK 2025, Planning

“A strong advocate who inspires confidence.”

Legal 500 2017, Construction, Planning and Environment

“Extremely knowledgeable and has a huge amount of experience. He is very approachable and a lot of authorities instruct him directly because they have such a good relationship with him. ‘He has a wealth of experience and an innate ability to think on the hoof, whether in conference or in court. He is a real master of his craft – he’s seen it all before and he knows law and policy inside out.’ “

Chambers UK 2017, Planning

“Peter has innate knowledge of the planning system and an unparalleled ability to think on his feet.”

Legal 500 2016, Construction, Planning and Environment

“Peter focuses on planning law and its intersection with environmental law. He is an experienced advocate in judicial review, and also acts in public inquiries for housing developments. He further has a background in licensing law. ‘The number one junior on the Western Circuit for planning and environmental work. A genuine master of his craft.’ ‘He adopts a very down-to-earth and strategic approach.’ ”

Chambers UK 2016, Planning

Seminars & Events

  • Qualifications & awards:

    • MA, LLM (Cantab)
    • Post-graduate Certificate in Environmental Law (Bristol University)
  • Professional memberships:

    • Planning and Environmental Bar Association
    • Western Circuit
    • Formerly a practising solicitor and a partner in a commercial and licensing practice in Bristol
  • Peter Wadsley is regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate. If you are not satisfied with the service provided, please read here.