Date: 19 April 2023

Starts: 5:25 pm

Ends: 6:30 pm

Location: St John's Chambers, 101 Victoria Street, Bristol

Cost: Free

CPD Points: 1

Who Should Attend?

This joint seminar organised by STEP & St John’s Chambers Wills & Trusts team, and sponsored by Title Research is aimed at practitioners involved in contentious probate work.

Please join us afterwards for drinks & canapes.


  • Want of knowledge and approval, an update
    John Dickinson will give an overview of the principles, an update on recent cases and some pointers as to what excites the suspicion of the court
  • The interplay between property co-ownership and estates disputes
    Christopher Jones will look at recent property ownership disputes, including Guest v Guest, Hudson v Hathway and Dunbabin v Dunbabin, and set out some tips for the busy probate lawyer

Booking forms can be found on the programme and emailed to

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